Blog #18

At this stage in my essay I feel like a hot mess. It seems as though I always throw a ton of deep ideas at the paper and see what ones stick. I have a strong idea of what my paper is about, but I need to articulate my argument clearly so the reader doesn’t … [Read more…]

Blog #17

Incorporating the multimodal elements seems like a really good way to make this essay fun and engaging. I didn’t realize how difficult it can be to track down the photographer of photos or find the direct source. I plan to use a picture for my header that shows a man in a metaphysical state, implying … [Read more…]

BloG #16: Thoughts on Paper.

Bear with me please, my ideas go a little high and right while I’m free writing, but I swear it’ll be coherent in the end. The question I’d like to explore is “How can beauty add meaning to life? What’s the point of it, why are we even talking about it?” Beauty obviously Has many … [Read more…]

BLoG #15

The article I chose is called “What is Beauty?” posted on Odyssey The article first talks about physical beauty and art and how makeup can make a person beautiful and it can be argued that doing makeup well is a refined form of art. The article then turns to talk about how beauty is … [Read more…]

Blog 14

I could not agree more with Schiller’s statement, “To regard beauty as a luxury adornment or a social signifier was to miss the true potential of the experience.” I see beauty as a means to open the world eyes to truly see. Not see on the surface, but see to understand and enjoy. Beauty is … [Read more…]

Lucky Number 13. Random Chapter for Revision

I chose to read chapter 7, “so what, who cares”, Saying why it matters. My essays tend to get off topic when I write about something I’m passionate about. I chose this chapter because I realized I had some ideas in my essay that were fun to explore, but didn’t belong. Stopping and asking myself … [Read more…]

Podcast On Beauty

Heres a link to the podcast I did with my lovely friend Will Wood. Enjoy!