OLD When Ben Zander speaks about inspiring change, he says his job is to “awaken possibility in other people” and he wants to motivate them to accomplish their dream. When he speaks it’s encouraging and you want to jump out of your seat to agree with him. He’s a wonderful leader. On the other hand, the altruists have a pertinent topic, of encouraging change to end suffering, but they advocate it in a manner that feels forced. As if donating all we have is what we’re ‘supposed’ to be doing
NEW When Ben Zander speaks about inspiring change, he himself says, “I realized my job was to awaken possibility in other people” (Zander, TEDx). Zanders point is that for people to believe in a cause, you have to be their source of inspiration, instead of the EA approach of convincing people through guilt. When Zander speaks it’s encouraging and you want to jump out of your seat to agree with him. He’s a wonderful leader. On the other hand, the altruists have a pertinent topic, of encouraging change to end suffering, but they advocate it in a manner that feels forced. As if donating all we have is what we’re ‘supposed’ to be doing…
OLD Thinking we have to choose between art and service is ridiculous. Donating your time or money is surely gratifying and could reward you with lasting happiness. It’s possible that exploring artwork could give you a similar gratifying response, making this lifetime a life worth living. The bottom line is that you shouldn’t need to choose between art and service because they’re intertwined in so many ways. In some sense, giving your time to others could be considered a form of art.
NEW Thinking we have to choose between art and service is ridiculous. Donating your time or money is surely gratifying and could reward you with lasting happiness. It’s possible that exploring artwork could give you a similar gratifying response, making this lifetime a life worth living. Rhy Southan agrees when he writes, “I’m not ready to give up writing. I’m not ready to take up some high-paid job that I’d hate in order to reduce the world’s suffering” (Southan). Even after all of the attempted persuasion by the altruists, art, and its infinite glory, holds a place in Southan’s heart. The bottom line is that you shouldn’t need to choose between art and service because they’re intertwined in so many ways. In some sense, giving your time to others could be considered a form of art.